A working meeting was held at the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in the Russian Federation. The meeting was attended by the Senior Counselor of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in the Russian Federation Snezhana Pavlovich and the Founder of the Association of Cultural Initiatives “ZurArt” (Republic of Serbia) Artur Selimov.
Artur Azimovich spoke about the activities of the association, about the goals and objectives, about the mission, about the projects. In particular, he spoke about the International Competition for Children’s Fine Arts “ZurArt”, a competition for children and the younger generation aged 6 to 19. The competition is held in several categories.
Children’s creativity contest “ZurArt” aroused great interest. In turn, Snezhana Pavlovich assured that the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in the Russian Federation would support the competition and provide information coverage.
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